
Crawled off to bed around 3am after sitting up to watch the Superbowl, it even had a socially distanced halftime show by a guy called The Weekend (extra) a name reminiscent of the euphemistic question asked by gent's hairdressers, or barbers as they were known in the 60s, when you had your hair cut every Friday before a weekend of social interaction.

Up and out in time for my Covid vaccination only to be greeted on arrival with a large queue snaking its way round the streets. Having no option but to join the tail of the queue we all shuffled slowly and intermittently towards the vaccination centre experiencing sunshine and snow showers and sometimes even both at the same time. Did I mention the biting wind? I eventually made it inside an hour and fifteen minutes after I arrived for an appointment scheduled for 3.28pm and arrived back home almost three hours after I'd set out.

I hope the booster jab doesn't take this long to get...

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