
I might regret not waiting till I'm out to blip a snowy scene. It'll all be gone soon I think as the temperature is slowly rising over the next few days. But for some reason I decided to try a photo of my breakfast. Porridge, with salt of course. Raspberries - heresy! No sugar and the tiniest spot of milk. This should set me up for a walk in the snowy wastes.

There's even less doing here today than on a usual lockdown Saturday. I had my customary Saturday coffee with two good pals yesterday so I don't have that to look forward to. Hmmm, let's see. I'll change the bedding as usual and walk Flora. I'll feed the birds and check out the garden coming to life. I'll probably bake **. The day has already taken a food related theme with my blip.

Have a good Saturday everyone.

** I did. Lemon Drizzle

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