
By dunkyc

On course

Any day that starts with a brew and a bacon and egg sandwich in bed is a day that has started well.

It also gave me enough fuel in the tank to meet with Russ and take a very cold, windswept walk through Serpentine Woods, over the golf course and up onto Cunswick Scar. On the return we walked the final few holes of the back nine at Kendal Golf Course. Today’s blip comes to you from the top of the hill where the 6th green meets the 15th tee (to be precise). We didn’t linger as the wind was so cold my eyes began to water! 

I got some of my much-needed loafing in shortly thereafter, but turned my attention back to the final two episodes of D versus The Bear. The Bear has wrapped their scenes, meaning that I’ve only a little bit left to do on my side. If you care to watch it, you can find Episode 3 of D versus The Bear on the ‘tube.

A lovely day was wrapped up with a cracking Zoom with some old chums. I thought we’d only be on a for a short while, but a couple of hours later we were still laughing and yammering away about everything and nothing.

All in all, a very good day! 

Stay healthy.

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