Day 328 An early Valentine's Day dinner

This evening we had an early Valentine's Day dinner as a household and Violet thoroughly enjoyed helping me lay a Valentine's table.  Before we ate, she disappeared briefly and came back proudly holding yet another tooth.  It had been wobbly for a a few days and was making eating comfortably rather difficult so out it came in time for dinner!  
In other news: no  news really as it is the weekend.  A number of MPs are urging the PM to hurry up with announcing an exit plan from this lockdown and certainly to have done so by the end of April.  Whether that happens or not remains to be seen.
The link sent by my GP surgery continued to show 'no appointments available', so as the vaccination is now open to all 65+ year olds I went to the NHS website and managed to book both 1st and 2nd appointments at a nearby pharmacy.  The first one will be the week after next, which is the earliest date that the vaccine calculator gave me in the first place.

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