
By EgyptUnveiled

Security watch

I received a call from Aida earlier, wanting me to go visit and have a chat.

She doesn't live too far away from my felafel sandwich shop (Which is where I was, when she called) It is a tradition for me, to have felafel for brunch on a Friday, I guess it is similar to Sundays in the UK and a roast dinner?

There is always so much happening in the streets and people milling around, that it is very handy to have a 'Spy window' to watch what is going on, without being spotted!

The added security of Farouq (Or his Egyptian name of Bobbas) the dog, barking and raising the alarm, helps keep unwanted persons away from the ducks, pigeons, sheep and water buffalo she keeps in the yard.

The rest of the day...

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