Taith diwrnod hir

Taith diwrnod hir ~ A long day's journey

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Roedd heddiw 'diwrnod symud' am Dan, pwy oedd yn symud o Ganton i'r Eglwys Newydd. Roeddwn ni wedi bwcio pobol i bacio ac yn symud popeth - i gadw ein bywyd yn syml. Cyrhaeddon nhw ar fflat Dan ar hanner wedi saith y bore. Roedden nhw eithaf effeithlon ac roedden nhw ar ein tŷ erbyn canol bore. Roedden ni wedi paratoi'r lle felly roedden nhw'n gallu rhoi'r dodrefn i mewn fflat Dan a llawer o flychau yn y garej. Ar ôl wedi iddyn nhw fynd seiclais i dros i Ganton i helpu Dan i orffen glanhau. Yna aeth Daniel i Eglwys Newydd mewn tacsi a seiclais i adre trwy'r parc. Treulion ni gweddill y diwrnod yn agor llawer o flychau ac yn ceisio ffeindio lleoedd am bopeth.  Ar ddiwedd y diwrnod roedd llawer o flychau gwag a holl eiddo Daniel rhywle yn ei fflat newydd. Roedden ni i gyd wedi blino braidd -  ond yn hapus bod y symud wedi gorffen.

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Today was 'moving day' for Dan, who was moving from Canton to Whitchurch. We booked people to pack and move everything - to keep our lives simple. They arrived at Dan's flat at half past seven in the morning. They were pretty efficient and were at our house by mid-morning. We had the place ready so they were able to put the furniture in Dan's flat and lots of boxes in the garage. After they went I cycled over to Canton to help Dan finish cleaning. Daniel then went to Whitchurch by taxi and cycled home through the park. We spent the rest of the day opening lots of boxes and trying to find places for everything. At the end of the day there were lots of empty boxes and all of Daniel's belongings somewhere in his new flat. We were all a bit tired - but happy that the move was over.

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