If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus)

I almost titled this one "What are you looking at?"  Another day where I am using a photo I didn't intend to use.   While at the Lodge long enough to put another coat of paint on to the four doors I took shots of rain drops on the twigs.  They summed the day up nicely.

By the time we were home, mid afternoon, it was a little drier. While keeping an  eye out for birds for the BTO garden birdwatch I noticed a volery of Long-tailed Tits around the garden.     I wasn't thinking of them as a blip having blipped them this month.  Then I spotted this one sitting in the Osmanthus.  I find on the odd occasion where you see them front view they look quite comical so this just had to be the blip.

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