
By LeeAnne


Envelope came today, the Postie rang the bell rather than putting it through the letterbox which I thought was weird.

Anyway... I’m very happy to go and have the jab but I’m really not clear why I’ve been selected. The prediction on the official calculator suggested it would be nearer September before I was invited along.

I’m not complaining well I sort of am but there are people in much more vulnerable positions than I.

I mean let’s face it, it’s not like I’m on the frontline... more like the back burner hibernating with my cat. I understand the more people who have it the better, to keep everyone safe, but surely there should be a logical priority list?

My pals husband is a postman and hasn’t had any sniff of a vaccine. I have other friends who are most definitely in the vulnerable camp and they appear to be behind me? How is that possible?

My parents had theirs a couple of weeks ago but they are of appropriate age to be up there amongst the vulnerable but I don’t really feel like I should be next.

It feels a bit like a man shoving women and children out of the way to get on the rescue boat before them and that just doesn’t really sit right with me.

Hey ho. I’ll go obviously but I just thought I’d record the occasion and how I feel about it.

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