Letting go of the past.....

I've spent the day in Brighton with my Mum helping her go through her clothes, we gave 5 bin bags to charity and 10 to the bin..... It's a mammoth task but she is slowly getting through it....

On one visit we will need to look through this case of letters (not the only one) knowing her she will want to read them all..... for now it's easier to focus on the easier things like old clothes....

A walk along the beach at dusk to clear my head and look at the sea, I got home at 9 to the sound of my children laughing and the sight of my Husband bleaching his hair.

Zebedee called me earlier having had another great day at his new school, he had double art and everyone was very impressed! We have definitely done the right thing moving him although the time he has spent at the other school has by no means been a waste, it is all valid but things needed to change.

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