A time for everything

By turnx3

Frozen - Part 2!

Another terrific hike today, this time at Clifton Gorge. We hike there quite often, and we have seen the waterfall frozen before in frigid temperatures, but we have never seen it in so much snow before. The temperature was a little milder today - almost up to freezing, but not quite, but the sun was shinning, and there wasn’t much wind, so it didn’t feel too bad! As we parked, we saw a small group of people returning to their cars, carrying cross-country skis - they must have been on the rim trail, as the gorge trail involves steps and is more rocky. When we on the rim trail later, you could occasionally pick out their tracks, though they were mostly obliterated by footprints. It was also interesting seeing all the animal tracks in the snow and trying to work out what they were - rabbits, deer, coyotes..? Initially, there were quite a number of clouds around, so the sun would come and go, but as the afternoon went on, the sky cleared more, and the sun was more continuous, making the snow glisten and making the shadows more striking. There were quite a few people out making the most of the sunshine, but by no means crowded. The thaw will begin tomorrow, when we finally get above freezing, and rain is forecast starting Sunday evening. Then begins the slushy, dirty, muddy stage!
Step count: 14,134

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