a lifetime burning

By Sheol

... and so it begins

2021 Bee on Flower #1 

The last day of February 2021 has been a  gloriously sunny Spring day here and utterly delightful as a result.  Cathy and I sat outside on the bench by the kitchen window to enjoy our mid morning cup of tea, earlier on.

I've gone for the little honey bee on the heather as my main shot because I loved the detail of its little pollen encrusted head, but I've also uploaded a shot of one of the many crocuses that are enjoying the sunshine.  This one seems to have monopolised a small patch of sunshine under one of the shrubs, where it sits all alone, quietly glowing radiantly.

Its Sunday of course, so I shall need to get on and cook us our roast dinner next.  Amazingly we've now nearly exhausted the summer fruits that Cathy grew in the garden last year - we seemed to have so many back in the early Autumn they filled two whole draws of the garage freezer.  Our rhubarb is not quite there yet, so its Eve's pudding with some shop purchased bramley apples for desert today, my mouth is watering at the thought.

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