
By fairyhedgehog


I was interested to find out that catkins come in male and female varieties, but all of the male ones seem to be yellow. These ones that I saw on my walk today are red, or reddish brown. Does anyone know what they are?

It's been a bit of a dull day but I got washing done, and also set up the spare laptop for kitty tv viewing, which involved a perspex table over the screen and a plastic tray over the keyboard, because both cats get very excited watching mice running around the screen and try to catch them. They even look behind the screen to see where they've gone.

The next excitement for the day will be cooking dinner. Whoop de do!

Ah well. Tomorrow I have a German lesson to look forward to. I don't think we're going to make it to Hamburg this June, though, not with the new variants coming out.

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