
By Beinghere

Keil`s Den

The highlight of our day was finding a new walk.  I had heard that there was a woodland walk near Upper Largo, and since it`s just a ten minutes drive away, we set off and found it easily.  There was only space for three cars to park, but luckily we got a space. The wood is around 400 years old.  It is a long narrow wooded glen with a network of paths.  It comprises mainly of Ash trees, with beech and sycamore, and smaller numbers of birch, rowan, willow, oak and larch.  It takes it`s name from the Keil burn that runs through it.  It was a total delight.
It is managed by The Woodland Trust, and I was fortunate to meet a man with his dog, who turned out to work for them and manage the wood.  He told me how wonderful the wood is in spring, with bluebells and wild garlic. 
The route we took was a circular one of around 2 miles, which was just fine for us today. I can see us going back there regularly, checking it out in different seasons.  Other than the man we met we only came across a couple with their dog, so it was very quiet and peaceful.  All I could hear was the sound of the Great Tits and other Tits in the trees.

Geordie had a great time.  He ran around with his trailing lead, delighting in all the new smells.  So many peemails to check out and reply to.

Home again for cocoa and spend time going through my photos.
Then I put a washing on and lay on the sofa for an hour.
I must do a bit in the garden tomorrow.  Now the bin is empty I can fill it again with my pile of cuttings.  
Time for tea and tv now.

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