Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Me too!

I didn't think it appropriate to put a hashtag there, but I thought I should highlight that I don't only pay other people to do our garden. I had another 3 hours hard work today. I started off on the lower terrace area getting rid of all the accumulated detritus not just from the recent work but also all the dead leaves etc which had got caught up in what used to be there. Having done that and filled 4 tattie sacks with rubbish I then swept what was left onto the pavement and from there into our bin. A new job in retirement, sweeping the streets!
Next I moved to the main level of the front garden and started by digging over, weeding and generally clearing out the rose bed. Next it was handforking and weeding the top bed around the edge of the lawn. I did a lot of that second section on my knees which is not easy just now, getting up and down from my knees is still uncomfortable. My best friend is my kneeler stool so I can use the armrests to push up. It's not too bad when I'm actually kneeling although weight bearing on my repaired knee is still a little sore. So onwards and ever so slowly, upwards!!
Just for a change of focus, I think I am probably developing something in my hands. My left index finger is almost permanently cold which is usually down to poor circulation. I've bought a hand warmer in the short term! The joys of being retired.
Sunday today so we had our usual church YouTube service followed by Zoom coffee. It's Lent 3 today, which means that next week, Lent 4, is Mothering Sunday. That was the first Sunday in the church year when churches were closed I think, Mothering Sunday was on the 22nd March 2020. So that's a full church year since normal times.
Ali popped over for a while this afternoon. It's always lovely to see her.
Keep safe everybody.

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