What did I say about not walking two days in a row...? I should follow my own advice, but I didn't and John called for me at 10 o'clock announcing that we were walking to Findern. Ok then!

It was a good walk, as all of his walks have been, very varied and interesting and mostly through uncharted territory for both of us. Derby City seems to be very good at linking all the green areas together, which makes it a pleasure to walk through areas of the city that car drivers are oblivious to. That has to be a good thing.

John is fairly opinionated and that's okay usually, I can just let it go, but I couldn't agree with him about not prioritising the vaccination of teachers. Now that all the 60+, and therefore the most vulnerable, have had a first dose I think teachers should be vaccinated simply because they need to stay well in order to keep children in school. We cannot have schools closing yet again, but we agreed to disagree... I was a teacher and have children, he does not.

Extra: the Mercia Marina near Willington

P.S. I do enjoy stretching when I get home after a long walk, makes me feel good, but I also enjoy the other sort of stretching, the gentle curling, twisting and lengthening that happens when I'm relaxing on the settee.

16 miles
597 feet elevation gain 

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