
By Nigel


Surprisingly awkward to pose this one, nothing seemed right at all.

Slow day, not much on at work. Though I had some strange dreams of conflict and intrusion (not often I would make a note in my journal about my dreams so they must have been very strange).

I'm posting this months after the day so there is not much fresh memory but consulting my journal it appears that Jen was at the height of her facebook gaming obsession period, and we argued. Which was almost daily at the time.

This is the first of my backblips covering a very bleak period of my life when I didn't think there was any point in posting on the day as ther was so much unhappiness surrounding me and I was unsure that it would be appropriate to get my thoughts out in a public place where you can't edit them later. It's now January 2013 and things are looking up at last, fingers crossed.

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