Mike Lincoln

By Linxpix


Decided to get my electric bike out today ( first time since the autumn ) as the weather was a lot warmer if stormier !! 
So went to the next village Cherry Willingham where my middle daughter lives, I gave a ring to tell her I was at the small park on the estate, that is where I saw these wonderful bulrushes with the sun on them.
It had been a lovely ride out, but by the time my daughter got to the park the storm clouds were approaching !! We had a quick chat (currently allowed to meet one other person) then it started spitting. 
Well the journey back was not pleasant even on an electric bike !! cycling directly into the wind and rain. Of course as I arrived home the sun came out. So after getting my hands thawed out. changing my wet clothes and having a bite to eat felt like the exercise had been worthwhile :-) 
As I have a lung condition usually after any vigorous exercise I am coughing for the next 30 minutes. Pleased to say no such problems, but my legs are aching and I should sleep well tonight :-)

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