Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

SuperPod 3

Started my day with a live version of the Stace & Barry In The Morning podcast for Superpod today, which I was enjoying so much until the Chromebook just sort of stopped working with the streaming service and I missed a good 25-30mins of it... I did manage to get on for the last couple of minutes by transferring myself over to the PC, but I felt so awful. I am realising now as I write this that I felt so awful because it put me right back in the mindset I was in after the last 24hr charity broadcast of The Parlour I did back in 2018. For those that don't know about that, I did a 24hr podcast (with Barry) in which a ton of tech issues cropped up which triggered a massive anxiety/paranoia issue for me which ran throughout most of the 24hrs and put me in a funk for months after. This morning, I was right back into those feelings of having let Barry and the listeners down, leaving B with most of the work, and this time had the added bonus of letting the SuperPod organiser, Al, down. Luckily Barry & Al have been absolute gents about it, but I still feel a bit rubbish. Don't think that period pains and hormones have helped, nor indeed the fact that my week off is rapidly coming to an end. Feeling a bit better now though, as Rich has quite valiantly been trying to cheer me up with cuddles, Easter eggs and Game Grumps. 

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