
By Digwig

Day 15

Took some painkillers before bed last night and pleased to report I slept much better.
The sun was shining on my run, the first time since the start of the challenge. I felt ok until the last couple of minutes when I could feel a twinge in my knee, it subsided eventually so hoping it won’t be a problem later.
Was just enjoying my breakfast when I got a call from TB - he’d been told he’d have to go home to self-isolate as someone he sat next to on Thursday has tested positive! So, after a 3 day break we’re back to home schooling! So frustrating, he has so little motivation to do decent work at home it becomes a battle ground. He was so relieved to go back and see his friends last week too. It’s going to be a long week.
Arm ache continues, odd.
MB went out for a late afternoon cycle with a cyclist friend. He forgot that the cyclist friend has been cycling throughout all the lockdowns whereas MB hasn’t. He came back a broken man!

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