
Among the cards received was this one on Monday  with a typewritten label which puzzled me.  Opened it and it was from the Vet Surgery along with a sachet of Forget-me-Not seeds.  It was a nice touch, but I still think they did something to Breagha that made her die!  I will never think otherwise.

Today it was like we were back at work, as we spent the whole day, with breaks, making up a video tribute for me to post on FB as a tribute to Breagha.  I don't use FB much these days but I do have a lot of friends on there and thought it was a nice way of letting people know as well as a montage to music (with words) for me to express my feelings.

 I did it on iMovie, which was fine but on my old computer I had ProShow Gold, which I used to love making films of.  Much more scope on it but I think its obsolete now and anyhow, the old computer was pretty goosed but I still have in the attic.

Oh how many tears did we shed in the day making it!  

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