A time for everything

By turnx3

Abstract Thursday: Repetition

A gloomy damp day today, and becoming really windy later in the day, making it feel as if we were back to winter again. The highlights of the day were a Zoom family chat in the afternoon, and getting back to handbell practice, practicing for Easter Sunday, in the evening. Roger’s sister Janet and husband John hosted the chat, and had Roger’s Dad with them, who lives on the same street, near Warrington, then there was Roger’s other sister Pam and Mike, joining from near Malmesbury, their son Matthew, joining from Yorkshire, our daughter Laura from Kuwait, our daughter Jen from Salt Lake City and us from Ohio! The wonders of modern technology! Jen was only able to join us for half of it as she was at work (as a nurse), but she was able to join us for the second half on her lunch break. Still not as good as seeing people in person, but great to see everyone’s faces together. It was lovely to get back to bells again. We had met in a small group format for maybe a couple of months in the late Fall until early December, recording pieces for the streamed services, but then we had stopped as Covid numbers continued to climb. Debbie, our leader, loves to bake, and as usual had individually packaged mini brownies for us all!
My blip is a close-up of one of our wooden place mats that my sister gave us for Christmas a number of years ago, together with some wooden coasters, which I have really enjoyed, and I thought they would work for the AT theme of repetition.

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