A day in the life

By Shelling

Time machine

Most of the day has been spent together with MrT and his (now grownup) children. He reached a point where he no longer could handle the structures of his life, like paying bills or taking care of himself or his house. His children has now taken over all practical things and I helped them by driving them around, organising a mandate to handle his money in the bank, which was unexpectedly a long and very extensive operation. Now, when that has been taken care of they can start focusing on the various scenarios in the  near future. As a close and old friend of MrT I felt I could be of help filling in some background to everything that has been going on in his life during the last year. His children lives far away and didn't really know the extent of his illness. Maybe he wanted to protect his children and they never asked the hard questions. There might be a lesson here somewhere.

Todays walk completed the interrupted walk from yesterday and gave me time to think about todays events. Because of a very muddy forest path I made a shortcut and came across this old ruin of a motorbike from sometime during the first half of the nineteenhundreds, It looked like it had been leaned against a tree and then forgotten about. Over the years other people has removed away bits and pieces from it and what remains is a rusty, useless skeleton of a former fully functioning machine. Which brought my thoughts back to MrT.

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