
By simisue


Today is Scout's birthday, on the 1ST DAY OF SPRING, when she 
is now 8 years old.  Angus is inviting her to play, but she is on duty,
watching for any intruders.  She was probably born barking orders to
her litter mates, but not Angus, because he was born later, to different parents.  She spent her early years racing through the snow in Michigan, but she is a California girl, through & through.

Now, in her full maturity, she "advises" us which way we should walk, 
how long to play ball & informs us someone is at the door before they
ring the bell.  Angus knows she is the boss, but sometimes likes to
 "test the waters," to see if she is retiring.  Not likely any time soon.

As a puppy Scout was  part hooligan & part "land shark," but she has grown into wise council.   We value her calm tolerance
during the wild rumpus when all 6  of our grandchildren visit.  She loves when they play ball with her, & has enough energy to keep up with them.

This Spring puppy has grown into our darling dog.

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