Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

A sad bit of history

Today, in the UK, we have a National Day of Reflection in memory of Covid victims.  Winchester Cathedral prepared a wonderful installation to mark this.  A grass cross, sown with primrose, forget-me-not and daffodil plants, runs up much of the nave.  As you see, it's marked out with candles.

I went in this morning thinking I probably wouldn't be able to take pics, but no-one said anything, so I did.  ITV Meridian were filming there for the News.  You can see one of their cameras here, top right.  It was very hard to shoot and of course the best angles would have been had from above, but visitors were confined to the nave only, so I've done my best.  Maybe ITV had preferential treatment?  I found the colour and general clutter quite difficult to overcome and for preference would have posted it in mono, but I knew a lot of you would want to see this version.  There's a mono in extras which gives a better feel for the scale.  I found it a very moving experience.

Thank you all for your kind comments on the little dog yesterday.  I still worry for him and feel a bit responsible..

Enjoy your evening  xx

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