Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Running repairs

I was astounded when I was out for my walk today to discover that the latest tool in the ongoing battle of street repairs is..... Duct Tape.!
I presume somebody will come round in a few days to remove the actual tape. I had seen a repair, a few days ago, which had extremely precise raised edges. I thought at the time that there was perhaps some sort of tape under the tarmac but presumably it was done like this. I wonder how they manage not to get the tape all tangled, I get in a terrible mess trying to work with long lengths of duct Tape. It doesn't feel very environmentally friendly though.
Another nice day, the forecast has been for rain over the last couple of days but in fact although it's been windy and cooler, its been not bad at all. I did my regular 3 miles, which is good of hot out of the habit of walking since my knee got so sore. I sat down to have a wee relax at one point and was reading my kindle when two pairs of women arrived from opposite directions. They stopped two metres apart and had a conversation immediately in front of me and each pair less than a metre from where I was sitting. I was really annoyed. I didn't bother saying anything, there seemed little point, they were obviously completely unaware of my discomfort and the need to give me safe space.
We had a bridge game this evening with some different friends that we haven't played with since before lockdown, so that was enjoyable.
I was astounded, in fact appalled, to see that AS is going to court yet again. It's very hard to see what good it is going to do for anybody. The speech from John Swinney yesterday after the committee report is very powerful. You can find it if you Google.
I do feel for those women whose original complaint has become a circus.

Keep safe and well everybody

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