Humpty Dumpty’s Party

An unexpected FaceTime this morning of this excited little girl before she went off to school.  
Her dad had just finished the face painting, she was dressed in the pussy cat outfit, showing us her fiddle that her dad had created, but pointing out to us that she had done the colouring in, bless her.   It was Humpty Dumpty’s party for the preps (new entrants) and she was bouncing off the walls with excitement.  I’m sure you can work out what she went as?
Then this photo came through via text, I was ever so pleased to get it for my blip today.  
The big case of prints finally arrived this morning for judging (Gisborne).  I got stuck into them and was blown away with the quality.  There certainly is something special seeing images mounted in mats.  Because I’ve been totally occupied with these, having a ready made blip is very much appreciated. 

Happy weekend to you all.


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