Bright Colours

In a dark, damp day :)

Bought myself some nice flowers  to celebrate when I was shopping yesterday :)

Thank you for much for all the comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's celebration!

A busy day despite being at home!

First thing I loaded the car with an assortment of things from under the stairs and the back of the garden between the fence and the shed where the neighbour behind had dropped a lot of bits of old fencing over etc...and took it all to the tip :)

Then I went to B&Q (and bought a lot more than I was going to but included a new lawn mower (my last one was over 20 years old!) and a bar stool to use in the kitchen) :)

I have yet to put either of them together..

On the way home, I popped to  Pets at Home..

Home and it was pouring with rain and what seemed like sleet at some stage, so I just locked the car and dashed indoors...and had lunch.

Then I unloaded the car.  When I was doing that the double glazing firm arrived to quote for a new panel where the cat flap is (and a new microchip flap).

So now at 5pm, I want to sleep, but still lots to tidy up!

Happy Friday folks :)


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