Sylvan Glade, Cherry Run

A warm and sunny afternoon was predicted, and so we packed up and headed for Cherry Run, in gamelands 295, not far from Lamar. We hiked up the trail and found a spot by the creek, where we set up our chairs and got out our books, and spent a while.

I also seized the opportunity to go for the first wade of the year, with water temperature around 46 degrees F. The water was brisk and refreshing, and it was also running a bit high, with pretty good currents in the middle. The edges are just loaded with rhododendrons.

There are a number of little wooden bridges to cross to get to where we went, and the bridges are, in my opinion, as scenic as anything else you'll see there. So I've included a shot of one of the little bridges in the extras.

My soundtrack song is for the bridge in the extras: Simon and Garfunkel, with Bridge Over Troubled Water.

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