
By Dave77plus1


I’ve not blipped for a while, but my second Pfiser jab seemed a worthy occasion. Feeling invulnerable now, where’s the party?

Actually, I have derived some humour – macabre humour – from the stats trotted out during PM’s afternoon briefings. Apparently, the ‘excess deaths’ for a week recently were negative. In other words, fewer people died during the week than the average for that week over five years, pre-Covid.

Asked to explain, Boris’s tame scientist said, with many circumlocutions, that it was because some of the people who would ‘normally’ have died in that week didn’t do so because they were already dead; from the virus, of course.

It is not surprising that politicians, who cannot understand concepts such as truth, honesty, integrity, compassion, etc, might struggle with the nuances of statistics. Just a thought. You only live once. Also, you only die once.

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