Bring me sunshine

What a glorious day it has been today. I have been in the summerhouse, for the first time this year, which always makes me smile :-) I even had my lunch in there, with the door open. It was lovely and warm with a gentle breeze blowing through. Weasley also came in to keep me company.

This robin was singing loudly, it would have been a lovely picture if it wasn't for that pesky branch in the way. This was taken on my little camera, zoomed out to the max!

I watched the blackbirds again this morning, busy gathering twigs for their nest. The blue tits have also taken up residence in the bird box in the front garden, which dad fixed last year, like they do every year. No sign of the wrens yet. I have also doted bits of wool all over the garden for the birds.....I'm sure people think I'm a bit odd....ah well, the best way to be :-)

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