
By maureen6002

Between rain and wind .....

It’s always such a strange day when the clocks go forward - or back for that matter. My routine, such as it is, is thrown, my body clock confused. 

And the weather doesn’t help. This morning’s rain has turned into this afternoon’s gales, themselves liberally sprinkled with squally showers. I still have my walking boots on, donned in hope, but by now I’ve resorted to just staying in. 

There was a brief period earlier when the rain had stopped and the sun was out, providing blip opportunities. The garden was liberally sprinkled with water droplets, still momentarily before the wind got up and shook them clear. 

This is my chance; an allium leaf, glaucous grey, studded with globes, reflecting artichoke leaves and the pink of planters. 

Sorry that I am late or brief with my responses to your journals at the moment. Hopefully, I’ll be back on track before too long!  

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