
The stay at home rule expired today. So we thought we'd venture out just a little bit further. As the school holidays were due to start on Good Friday at the end of this week, we opted for a popular local spot - The Roaches. We know this place will be much busier then.

It was wonderful to be back. The last time were here was the beginning of December. It was rather blowy on the ridge and a little cloudy. We walked along the ridge to Roach End and then continued through Back Forest. We returned via Lud's Church to Roach End again, and then back to the start along the road. It's a classic route which looks like a figure of eight on the map.

Shutlingsloe can be seen as you descend towards Roach End.

Parking can be difficult in this area and there are many folks who seem to think it's ok to park anywhere. There are signs everywhere asking people to park respectfully, and that anyone not parking within the designated bays will incur a parking fine. There was plenty of space today but still some folks weren't prepared to drive further along the road to find a space. I was rather pleased to see a traffic officer going along the line of cars and writing up parking tickets!!

On various forums there's a lot of moaning about this saying there should be more spaces available but that's not possible here, and you do have to consider access for emergency vehicles. 

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