
By Upoffmebum

Easter Treats Part I

Not sure if it's more accurate to say I live near the beach, which is just as well, because I really love seafood; or vice-versa.
The blessing in disguise that is China's ban on Australian exports of Southern Rock Lobster started in early January, and is still continuing to give us locals the rather rare treat of lobster at half the usual (highly exorbitant) price.
With the Easter break approaching, lobster supply stayed strong, and was more than enough to meet the looming spike in demand - so that prices didn't only stay relatively low, but retail competition actually saw prices go down even further.
Please don't put aside too much sympathy for the supermarkets and fishmongers in these unusual circumstances: the profit margin on lobster is still crazy large enough to keep them all sipping Champagne and farting through silk (apologies to Robert Mitchum).
When I went down to the local supermarket on Thursday to pick up a lobster (known locally by its proper name, crayfish), they had very craftily put Coffin Bay oysters on special as well. What was a fellow to do?
I had to think on my feet, and it suddenly occurred to me that the only way 'round the problem was right through the middle of it. So I deliberately restricted my crayfish buy to one weighing under a kilogram (even if only just under!), and then promptly splurged the savings on a dozen oysters au naturel.
Think it would've been remiss of me not to have also grabbed a bunch of on-special baby octopus marinated with chillies while I was there.
The two of them made up Part I of my Easter treats, complemented by a glass of chilled, crisp Riesling from the Barossa Valley, and lashings of home-grown lime juice and zest. The aftermath is in today's Extra photo.
I was obviously on a bit of an Easter holiday roll at the time, because what should also happen to be on special at the local liquor supermarket? - none other than one of my favourite Australian beers. 
The catch here, of course, is that in order to qualify for the discounted price, you have to buy it by the carton - each 24 x 375ml bottles. But as it turns out, that's quite a surmountable problem for someone who always buys beer by the carton - so one was promptly added to the stockpile of Easter treats.
It will go swimmingly with tomorrow's crayfish feast.
Happy holidays to all.

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