
Other people having been blipping this flower so I thought I would too and the only photo I took today.

After being up till almost 2 analysing the BT bill (yep, an obsessive) I didn't wake up at 3.

A day of work, too much work. I logged into an online drop in session but no-one answered. Went to Mum's at lunchtime to drop off her new exercise chat. It was so cold outside.

Did tomorrow night's quiz and then had an unpleasant encounter with one of our Board members followed by a much happier conversation with A before the holiday weekend. Hurray!

The final meeting if the day was the Board meeting till 8. After that it was pizza, wine and chocolate. A girl needs to unwind. I watched some TV, I think.

The highlight of the day was the young fox that kept visiting. She drinks the pond water (hope not the frogspawn) and then puts her paws in the veg box and her nose right up against the window. No fear but no photo either.

F2F - 4
Phone calls - 2
Virtual - 2

Recovery day 71

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