Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Blippers do it once a day

I did a bit of travel down memory lane today, and revisited some old blip entries. Though I joined the blip community in March of 2012, I did not begin posting entries with any regularity until the end of August 2012. Ideally, a good blipper "does it once a day", and eventually, I may have my life in order enough to achieve that goal.

For today's entry, I would like to share my ten favorite blips. These were selected for a variety of reasons including:

1. I really like the photo itself
2. the subject matter is special to me
3. there is special meaning associated with that date
4. I'm proud of the blip blurb I wrote to accompany the photo

Here they are, listed by date:

1. March 13, 2012
My first blip entry, and the sun-drenched front porch from our old home. I suspect I will miss this old, best seat in the house come summertime.

2. August 31, 2012
I love this photo and this trip down the Oregon Coast.

3. September 8, 2012
I still get a little woozy looking at these things.

4. October 12, 2012
Not a terribly compelling photo or blurb, but I was going through a painful experience, and re-reading this has meaning for me.

5. October 15, 2012
How could I not include such a significant event: my new Olympus XZ-1 which is with me nearly every waking moment. I love this camera.

6. October 31, 2012
This one is not about Halloween, but again, the introspection was part of a process I was going through (and continue to go through, even today)

7. November 9, 2012
Moving day, and my delightful, hard-working crew.

8. February 8, 2012
I love the lighting in this scene, the sensuous curves of the car, the mysterious figure in the background.

9. February 13, 2012
I was inspired (in mid-afternoon!) to reflect on parenthood. I'm happy with the memories it evokes and have received a surprising number of kudos for it.

10. February 15, 2012
A very memorable weekend in Portland, an ultra delightful evening, explained in the blip blurb.

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