Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Easter Sunday

So good to be back in church for our Easter service today, we were full to our regulated capacity. We had even put extra socially distanced seats in the Sanctuary to maximise the numbers. No singing though, except full volume in my head under my mask. The flowers were stunning as we have some very skillful people in our congregation. These two arrangements are pretty well identical, but I was struck by how different they look against the differently coloured windows. The reflections from the glass in the heavenly one on the adjacent wall is always beautiful. It is a collage BTW, they are not really different sizes!
Back home I just had time to hide the eggs around the garden when the family arrived. They'd decided to cycle up, its just about 1.5 miles. (The extra shows them heading off again after hot cross buns and chocolate cupcakes.) Isobel told me they had brought their own baskets for the hunt so they were well prepared!
I had a little word with Eilidh and explained to her that when she had found 12 eggs she had found her share - which meant that some were left for Isobel. We had a lovely time but kept our coats on, 10` cooler than yesterday.

After they had left, Ali arrived with Marvin the pug, to pick up their eggs, she said I didn't need to hide them thank you, she was a grown up now! So she says, I've got some hilarious photos from a few years ago, pre - grandchildren, of the two couples rushing round the garden finding eggs. Ali didn't stay too long today as it was cold. It's interesting, both girls have found partners whose ages are within a month of their own.

After a quiet afternoon, we had our Easter meal, leg of lamb (with rosemary and of course home made mint jelly), roast potatoes and keep some other vegetables which were very nice but the first two items are the essentials so far as I'm concerned! We followed that with lemon tarts, a lovely contrast to the sweetness of the lamb. Delicious.
Not too much chocolate later, we watched the first episode of series 2 of Line of Duty.

Big day tomorrow, I'm having my hair done at noon, I was high on the priority list for Gail my lovely hairdresser as she knew the wedding was on the 10th. I remember her doing my hair for Katy's wedding in 2007! There were rather more guests on that occasion. Still what matters is Ali and Stuart and their love for each other, the rest of us are incidental really.

Keep safe and well everybody. I hope the gatherings that have been happening haven't done too much damage.

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