
By HeartFreek

Remembering Bruce

Day 65

Its only gone and done it again - crashed as I went to press publish....damn it! And it was a bit of a difficult one to write. Lets try again.

So, yesterdays 200 mile round trip never happened as I got cancelled 35 miles into my journey, so I ended up popping to a few garden centres - and not a crumb of cake was eaten!!! Go me!!

I did however spend a small fortune on the non exisitant birds in the garden, buying a new feeder and different seed to try and entice them back!!

I also bought a few pretty flowers as my plan for today was to visit my best ever friends grave who was tragically killed on the 6th March, 29 years ago in an accident at work. Bruce was the manager at Albury Sandpits near Guildford. He was delivering some cigarettes to a work college. He jumped on the back of a digger and slipped off as it was reversing, falling under the wheels. He was crushed from the waist down and suffered massive internal injuries. He died later that day in hospital. I remember this day like it was yesterday. I played a hockey match after school, scored a goal and was looking forward to telling him as he always showed an interest in what I did at school. What I didn't know was, he had died before I even played the match.

To this day, I never let anyone leave without saying goodbye, as you never know if you will get to say it again.

I didn't manage to get to his grave today, so I planted the flowers in my Heart basket on the front door step so I get to see them everyday.

Shame it wasn't as sunny as yesterday, but at least its warming up a bit.

xXXx (an extra one for you Bruce)

The sole purpose in life is to have a wonderfully good time.
Zaphod Beeblebrox, but also Bruce Lund

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