Home Sweet Home

All done and dusted with good humour, minimal fuss and excellent workmanship. Brilliant! The colours eventually were Inkwell and Cobalt Frieze for those who like that sort of thing!  The pink cherry is just coming out and will look lovely against the blue. I know you'll want the full tour - so this is actually the back door, you walk round the front  by the cherry and the main door is through the conservatory.  It's a long skinny house, each room at a different level. The polytunnel, garden etc is in front. Evidence of the gardener at work. We are down in a dip and the sea is a couple of fields away. If you stand on a large stone on the hillock behind the back you can just about see it.
All plants were taken out of that strip in the front so we shall have to think what to do with that. Anyway, we're delighted, and we were so lucky with the weather. I don't think it's rained for nearly a fortnight!

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