
It was a cashmere polo neck and jeans sort of day (my preferred winter uniform!), cloudy and still cold, although by the end of the day when I nipped out to buy coconut milk it wasn’t as bitingly cold as it’s been the last few days.
More of a meeting based day, but I had time to get a baguette from the french bakery round the corner and enjoyed a crunchy sandwich for lunch.
Made a rending curry with some of my leftover lamb which was delicious, chatting first to A and then to T who’s very excited about trading in his car for a van for his gardening business, then to V about my car that’s just had a service, fairy doors in the garden for the grandchildren and the various parties in the election.
Caught the first episode of the new series of my last year’s nonsense TV addiction, Grey’s Anatomy. A bit bewildering since it’s so long since I last saw it....wasn’t gripped. It’s time has passed, for me at least

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