A Bit of a Drip Today

A Bit of a Drip Today- In more ways than one - some would say.  Anyway I had an unexpected free afternoon so I decided to get the Camera Club Drip Machine out. Our Wednesday Workshop Leader, Paul, had let me borrow it a few weeks ago now and in the excitement of Lockdown I had not had a play. The system is based around the Ploto Trigger and drip valve and made impressive with Pauls support construction made out of water pipe. The plan is that when we can meet indoors for a Wednesday Workshop that I will be able to help him with the activity. Today was quite cold in the workshop where I had it set up so I moved into the dinning room. The photos here are just using plain water. Better collisions are achieved with coloured and thicker water / ink. I was not able to the classic 'rebound' but was quite pleased with the Coronet and 'The Dog' 

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