Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Pussy willow

Blipped on a walk that T and I did which followed the idea I had had after going up both Easter and Wester Craiglockhart hills a couple of weeks ago, which was to take in Craiglockhart Pond too. That made it more of a "proper" walk. We caught up with the bird life there and saw that the female swan was sitting on the nest. Otherwise there were mallards and tufted ducks, also coots, moorhens and gulls. It was a mostly sunny day with very little wind which is just as well as it was quite chilly and would have been perishing otherwise. It's about the most physical exercise that I've had in this lockdown, although that's not saying much.

I got in touch with a friend who I haven't seen since before this lockdown and arranged to meet next weekend. It's time to come out of hibernation.

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