New reality day 257

Day off.
Got to bed around midnight and woke up before 6. Guess how tired I am.

It's been lazy day. It's been a beautiful sunny day.

In the morning I bottled the mead I made yesterday and made another batch. I only have 5 liter kettle and I had 4 lemons to use, so I needed to make two batch. It's gonna be nearly 10 liters of mead. If Niklas comes by I can give him some to take home.

We went cycling for a bit. Just to keep me away from the sofa all day. I think I did about 11-12km. After I came home I napped for a bit while my husband continued cycling. With me he doesn't get any exercise. It's just social. He's kind to have the patience to go with me first.

I asked him to put the fire on the fireplace. Whenever I'm tired and I'm freezing. Also he can make some sausages for himself with the embers.

I'm hoping that after I get myself bit warmer I can go out to the greenhouse and start parting the paprika babies. I hope. No guarantees.

We will go to sauna this evening. I have to wake up after 4 on Tuesday, so sauna is out of the question on Monday evening. I sleep better with colder body. After sauna I'm warm for a long time.

Nelson has he's dental surgery tomorrow morning. I need to give him extra big supper today. He will be miserable without his breakfast. He needs to be at the vet's at 8:15, so we'll take him there and give breakfast to the rest after that. Amadeus was supposed to have the same procedure too, but now with his condition (which is slightly improving every day) it can't be done. So we'll take care of Nelson tomorrow and then we'll continue with Amadeus. Perhaps it's best he'll see a cardiologist to get heart medication as he seems to respond to the other medication so good. So there's hope.

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