Family at the palace

Apart from a doorstep exchange of gifts Christmas we haven’t seen my dad and his wife Aselle since my birthday last year in June, we met up at Hampton Court Palace for the tulip festival, we bought a picnic and my dad made Sausage rolls for us all. Aselle treated us to a ride on a horse drawn carriage and I took us for tea and cake at the tilt yard café. It was a little bit chilly but a pretty nice day, beautiful surroundings, the tulips were lovely and it was just so good to see my dad and Aselle again.

Then I went to the hospital at 4 pm for an appointment about my eyesight, they were having technical problems and we are running behind and I didn’t leave until 8 pm. Basically I have cataracts and it is getting harder and harder to cope, natural light is a nightmare and everything just looks like it’s shrouded in mist the whole time, I can’t see peoples faces in the street, there is no definition to anything anymore... If I do have to read anything from the printed page then I need a magnifying glass, on the computer I have made everything as big as possible but if I can’t get it to be white on black it’s still very hard for me to read. Weirdly I can still watch the television with no problem…
Anyway after lots of tests I finally saw the doctor he said that the kind of cataracts I have Are particularly affected by glare which makes sense and he has recommended me for surgery. Obviously no medical procedure is without risk as statistically one in 1000 people go blind, they only do one hour at a time but there is a one and 40,000 chance that you will go blind in both eyes… My aunt, my brother and my dad have all had this done successfully, it really is Very difficult for me to get on with everything, for example I’m dreading doing my tax return it’s going to be so difficult, when I’m DJing I have had to make everything so big that I just don’t have room on the screen for everything I need to see properly, I can’t see the cursor when I’m editing vocals and have had to make it absolutely enormous, I am coping but this is only going to get worse and I feel I have no choice but to go to the surgery, they are there inject you in the eye which means that the I can’t move at all or they give you drops which means you have to control it a bit, I have asked for sedation and the injection because I do get very anxious in these kind of situations so anything that’s going to help I’ll have it!

Back home for a delicious home-made curry and the movie castaway with the family, and feeling a little bit nauseous and my arm hurts after the second Covid jab yesterday. It’s all go!

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