One Of those days...

It has been one of those days that I just wanted my Mummy.

You know when you revert back to being about 5 and you go into your parents room in the middle of the night rubbing your eyes and tug on your mums side of the bed!

Because well I am poorly.

Do we ever stop needing our Mummies even when they are no longer here?

Anyway so I got off to sleep last night that was fine. It was the staying asleep that wasn't.

I woke up boiling hot which had set my toes throbbing (I have chilblains) and I was soooo thirsty so cup of tea and a glass of orange later I tried to settle back down. Nope didn't happen, still boiling but with growling tummy. Bread and butter more tea and reading oh and painkillers and I finally started to feel drowsy. So I turned off alarm 1 and figured I would get up with alarm 2 and stumble into work later than I normally do.

Alarm 2 arrived oh my god in pain from lack of sleep and still boiling hot, I even checked to see if the heating had been left on all night (nope).

Only now I also had a sore throat and earache :(

Took temperature on a whim not really expecting anything (a part of having ME is a defective body thermometer it often tells me I have a fever when I don't) and was shocked to discover that I am sick again. It's probably a secondary infection. So have spend the day in bed with my faithful guardians (Ferd and Drusilla) I did try and persuade Jeeves and Wooster to come up onto the bed with me, but being naughty is way more fun.

Only thing I have done today was a quick trip to the nearest supermarket (it's a couple of minutes away in the car) and that nearly wiped me out, thought I was going to keel over in the middle of Morrisons.

Wonder what joys tonight will bring?

And the 5 year old in me is still clutching a teddy, rubbing her hurty ear, looking very sorry for herself and asking for Mummy.

The 33 year old me is clutching my teddy, rubbing my hurty ear, thinking I'd best get something to eat I got salmon and salad especially to tempt me. And thinking my Mum would be proud of me.

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