An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Created not grown...

I may be hopeless at growing flowers, so it's some comfort that I can create some semblance of them with paint :-)

The day got off to a great start.  I forgot to close the shower cubicle door (which is behind me once I am in the shower`) so didn't notice till I turned round to get back out.  Oops!  Well that's the floor washed!

David headed off early to meet Keith for another round of golf at Leven.  I had a bit of a tidy out in our bedroom.  I took it as far as I could without David's help but now it's at that stage where it looks worse than when I started, but another half an hour should see it right.  That will have to wait till tomorrow.

We're really looking forward to our 5 days at Loch Tay next week.  David and Kenny had arranged to play golf at Pitlochry on one of the days with Ele having lunch with me at the cottage then we planned to relax and enjoy the scenery.  Sadly this won't happen now as we received information from the owners today giving us the exact location of the cottage and they door entry number, but also advising that under current government restrictions, day visitors or overnight guests are not allowed.  I'm really disappointed as I was so looking forward to an afternoon with Ele.

We were also hoping to see my stepdad John and Norma this week but poor Norma has been feeling awful since she received her second vaccine three weeks ago.  She's hoping to see her GP tomorrow (why she's waited so long I don't now.  She got a telling off!)  If she feels better they will come  for lunch on Friday.  I hope she is feeling better and they are able to come.

Dinner and another episode of The Flight Attendant.  It's a bit weird but we're enjoying it. 

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