Cove Harbour

I had a slow start to the day.  My blister needed some attention but then I went out for a run, which felt like a real achievement.  BB had football training this morning.  It’s all over the place at the moment due to restrictions.  I’m glad it’s back, but I need it to get back into a constant routine, as it’s hard to keep track of what day and what time he is playing/training.  Hopefully it won’t be too long before they get back to normal, whatever normal is.
There was no sunshine and blue sky today, but TT and I headed down the coast into Berwickshire for a walk this afternoon - now we are allowed out of our local authority areas.  We did a circuit from Cockburnspath to Dunglass to Cove and back to the car.  It brightened up over the time we were out, but the sun never really broke through properly.  Once home I was on tea, and I had planned aubergine parmigiana.  After tea I had the last walk of my week off, and was accompanied by BB.  It was then home to Line of Duty – the drama!!

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