The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Lunch Time for Mr Robin....

A quick trip to the nature reserve for a few shots and a bowl of soup for lunch.

While i was in the hide I saw that Great Crested Grebe again along with a Heron flying to his nest.
Closer to the hide was this Orange Tip butterfly. and a yearling Reed Bunting.

But the best shot that I happened to get was this Field Vole which was running hither and dither picking up seeds.

There were two ladies in the hide who were trying to get visuals on the Reed bunting but were not to sure of how to do it.
After a while I showed them all the above and a Nuthatch which I failed to get a good shot of.

I hope you like the little Robin eating his lunch, after flying right in front of the hide to catch it.

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