
By GiselaClaire

International Women's Day

There is a nice social scene among the international community here in Gaza. We have gatherings in the evening, movie nights, dinners and, since the weather has begun to improve, we have started to have lunches at the weekend on the rooftop of one of the nearby buildings.

One such lunch was organised for today, not with any particular occasion in mind. However, as we sat down to eat our salads and barbequed steak, I suggested a toast for International Women's Day. We raised our glasses and wished each other well. Suddenly, the three men who were present disappeared inside. I joked that they had taken offence at our female favouritism, but then they reappeared carrying a small bouquet of flowers for each of the women present. We were all so touched!

At one point, I took a trip to the shop to pick up some juices, leaving my camera on the table. Of course, I came upon a great opportunity to take a photograph. A small boy of no more than six was carefully washing the bonnet of a car. A car which had no headlights, no taillights, no registration plates, and no seats. I would have loved to have captured that. Curses.

Another high point of the day was the sight of several hundreds storks flying overhead as they migrated north. It was very dramatic. Day turned into evening turned into night, and still we were sitting together, chatting and listening to music, dancing from time to time, and laughing about the silliest of things.

A wonderful way to spend Women's Day.

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