Black Despair/Frustration

Well today was a waste of time.  We had planned to go to Maine and spend a week there finally getting to grips with actually moving stuff in to the appropriate houses, and getting at least Sweet Haven up and running and ready to rent to summer visitors. 

Our contractors had assured us that they would be finished up with the inside work next door at Portside, so we would be able to move things in there.  The town water was also due to be turned back on today. 

So, we packed up the truck with still more cartons and bags, along with a suitcase, Mabel, her crate, etc.  About an hour into our drive northward, the phone rang, and it was Josh (contractor) telling us that when the town came to get the water going, they found that something called "check valves" were corroded, and needed to be replaced before the water could safely be turned on.  So, no water today.  "Maybe tomorrow."

We decided that we could sleep at Periwinkle Cottage because it has water all year round -- all we would need to find in the countless boxes were some sheets, a duvet and some pillows, and we'd be fine. 

That is until we arrived in Boothbay Harbor to discover that despite the fact we had been assured all inside work would be finished and the coast would be clear, there was a painter in one bedroom daubing paint on the sliding doors out to the deck, the electrician STILL hasn't finished installing lights, the place is ankle deep in dust from the painters sanding stuff, and the painter's gear was spread from one end of the house to the other, and there was no way we were going to be able to move anything in there until he was finished and gone.  SO frustrating!

So ... we drove back to Boston.  We will stay here until Wednesday, and then we plan to return to Maine, ready or not.  We are tired of waiting.  We are tired of being told one thing and finding out the opposite is true!

To cap the day off, once we returned to the city, I realized that the bag with my camera in it got left behind in Maine.  So no picture today.  I could burst into tears, but I am slugging back a large glass of wine instead.

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