Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Road hazards

About a month ago the workmen came and repainted the bus lane lines and altered them, just a little, as they merged at the traffic lights. They didn't fill in any of the holes, they painted through them!! They didn't paint clear "traffic merge in turn" signs in the other direction to warn traffic it is going down from almost three lanes to two. That might have cut down on the number of blaring horns each day from people who think they have right of way and that to cede priority to another driver is in some way failure. They did though leave this sign in the road, blocking the bus lane and causing hold ups every day. Effective use of resources I reckon, I think 3 weeks should be plenty for drivers to have taken the very minor changes on board. Hopefully the sign will go soon.
That was the only picture I took today, apart from some of the restaurant waste bin next door which has yet again been abandoned, brakes off, in the middle of the narrow pavement. I was clearly in "Mrs Angry" mode today, let's hope I've been Mrs Effective too.
I went to church this morning, lots of discussion to how coffee time can be managed. We had a visiting celebrant this morning as the Rector is on retreat. I knew she had spent time in India. It turns out we have several friends in common. How ridiculous, "Oh, so you travel to India, do you know x?" and the answer astoundingly, is "Yes! " only 1,391,000,000 people in India and we know the same one!
Spent the afternoon doing some church paperwork and receiving our East Coast Organics veg box, looks very like the one that blipper Meles blipped.
Keep safe and well everybody, time is passing, soon it will be summer, but not till after a few more frosty nights I fear

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